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How to Help

Help Guide Our Staff

We need volunteers for our Homebuyer Selection, Homeowner Support and Marketing/Development Committees. These teams are active in planning and steering Habitat’s future. The work is rewarding and fun. It is a great way to network and grow professionally.

Contact Us if you are interested in serving on a Habitat Committee.

Offer Your Professional Services

Professionals in our area can provide technical, legal and educational services to Habitat as a way of serving the community. Donations of time and expertise greatly reduce the financial burden of home construction and mortgage preparation.

Contact Us if you are interested in offering your professional services to Habitat.

Teach a Workshop

We partner with professional educators, seasoned experts, and other community members to help educate Habitat Homebuyers about a variety of topics. If you have a skill that you would like to offer our community, please volunteer to teach a workshop or class in our Homeowner Education Center in Charleston.

Contact Janie Hamilton at 304-720-0141 ext. 18 or email to teach a workshop. 
