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5 Ways that Giving Back Improves Our World

As it turns out, giving does more than simply warm our hearts during these cold months. It has a positive impact on the person giving, the person receiving, the community and even the world. Whether donating money or time, giving back has been shown to make a positive impact that goes far beyond the initial act of giving. As if you needed another reason to love supporting the causes you’re passionate about, check out these five ways that your gifts could improve the world around us.


1. It Makes Us Happy

Did you know that giving back releases endorphins, or those “good feeling” hormones?  One 2010 study showed that people experienced happier moods after giving. Without getting too scientific, it simply feels good to know that you’re doing something for somebody else that needs it. If you’ve been feeling a bit blue lately, consider offering your time or money for a mood boost. 


2. It Sparks a Ripple Effect

When others see you doing good, it can spark curiosity. Take advantage of the opportunity to talk with your family and friends about your efforts to help specific causes and organizations. Then, watch as they make personal connections to the same cause, or become involved with organizations they’re passionate about. Before you know it, your efforts to give back can cause a ripple effect. Make a point to talk about your support with family and friends, and ask if they would be interested in getting involved.

3. It Improves Our Community

Whether donating your time or money, altruism helps improve your community. There’s no doubt that organizations are set up to help make the world a better place, and your contributions will help make the change you want to see in the world. Whether you decide to contribute to an organization that serves your local community or communities oceans away, feel good knowing that you’re taking steps to leave the world a better place than you found it.

4. It Leads to Altruistic Habits

The act of donating or volunteering once means you’re highly more likely to do the same in the future. Small steps add up to great leaps when it comes to an altruistic lifestyle. Make a yearly goal for the amount of money you want to raise or the number of hours you want to dedicate toward volunteering. Then, watch as those numbers continue to rise in the weeks, months and years to come. Before you know it, altruistic actions will come second nature.

5. It Makes Others Happy

Not only does giving put a smile on your face, it could also be the reason somebody else smiles today. Whether you donated to help ensure somebody receives a hot meal, clean drinking water, an escape from abuse or so many other worthy causes, your donation could be literally life-changing for somebody in need. While you may never know the direct outcome of your donation, know that by giving back to your community, you’ve helped to make the world a better place. 


‘Tis the season for giving, and now it’s your turn. Pick an organization in need, whether near or far. The benefits for you and your community are endless. Start small, do what you can and watch as the world transforms around you.

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